In July Kari Thomas, a qualified shiatsu practitioner and mum of 3 teens came to talk to us about Shiatsu. Shiatsu is a physical therapy which uses a combination of pressure points, gentle manipulation and stretching to re-energise weak areas and reduce tension in the body. Kari told us about the history of shiatsu and how it can support our physical and mental well-being. She also shared her personal discovery of shiatsu and helped us explore how to listen to our bodies more effectively, to get the maximum benefits from the link between mental and physical health. There was also a live demonstration of shiatsu techniques on a lucky member!

In August, Katie Mack, one of our committee led a walk in the neighbourhood around the WI venue showing us lots of secret ‘greenways’ (footpaths and walkways that take us through green spaces, rather than sticking to roads and pavements) This continued the theme of supporting our mental health – by spending time in nature, and socialising as a community. It was also a real eye-opener to many about how much green space there is all around us – if we simply take the time to look. Or have a super-informative guide, like we did! Thank you, Katie.